Osmanlı Doğal Taş Anne Natural Stone Necklace-Rhodonite-Selenite-Hematite-Calcite-Tiger Eye-Citrine-Amethyst-Jade-Amber-Aventurine-Crystal Quartz-Zebercet-Pink Quartz

TRY 1,172.81
Osmanlı Doğal Taş
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With this unique beauty and benefits of natural stone jewelry, we offer our customers the best quality and most special jewelry.

The Stones In The Product Content Are Listed Below.

Crystal Quartz Stone Properties Provides balance and support between couples. It provides spiritual peace and calmness. It gives stamina and physical strength. Citrine Stone Properties Brings prosperity and wealth. It gives pleasure, it delights. It strengthens communication, increases concentration and improves the mind. Selenite Properties Gives mental clarity. It provides deep peace. It supports questioning, thinking and understanding. Zebercet Stone Properties Alleviate Resentment and Jealousy. It removes greed. It prevents overloading oneself and gives the courage to seek justice. It provides change and development. Properties of Amethyst Stone Increases immunity, is calming and relaxing, relieves sleep problems and prevents intense emotional attacks. Tiger's Eye Stone Increases Willpower. It's good for the eyes. Increases focus. Relieves headache. It offers a clear perspective. Calcite Stone Properties It is good for attention deficit. It is good for bone development. It provides protection against physical and psychological attacks of negative energy. Green Aventurine Stone Properties It is good for indecision, protects the heart, gives calmness and serenity, removes fear and restlessness. Jade Properties Prevent and remove the evil eye. It gives a wise perspective. It provides self-sufficiency. It supports idea generation. It reveals the self. It removes toxins. Rhodonite Properties Prevents and prevents the person from consuming himself with the past. It increases sexual power. It prevents corrosive relationships and the person from wearing himself down. ---------


The benefits of natural stones have been repeatedly observed in the feedback received from many users today. It cannot be included as a drug in the blood circulation and blood reduction system; It is definitely not a medicine as it requires a precondition to believe in the benefits it will offer in terms of energy and use. However, from past to present, great medical scholars such as Biruni and İbn-i Sina have thought, researched and included natural stones in their treatment methods. The benefits of natural stones are determined and determined based on the purposes of use of societies and medical scholars living in the past rather than a scientific experiment-observation process. We know that healing is only from Allah. It is not clear where and how it will come.


Ottoman Natural Stone uses the following sources for the properties and usage information of the stones. Walter Schumann, Gemstones Of The World (Sterling Publishing House, 17th Edition). Judy Hall, The Book of Precious Stones (Alpha Publishing, 3rd Edition, 2021) Muhammed Bin Mahmud-i Shirvani, Tuhfe-i Muradi. Prepared by: Mustafa Argunşah (Turkish Language Association, 1999) Patrick Voillot, Diamonds and Precious Stones (Yapı Kredi Publications, 1st Edition, 2013)

TRY 1,172.81