Osmanlı Doğal Taş 摩羯座项链 紫水晶、勃艮第石榴石 柘榴石、碧玉、虎眼石、锂紫玉、葡萄石、彩色碧玺

TRY 730.24
Osmanlı Doğal Taş
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With this unique beauty and benefits of natural stone jewelry, we offer our customers the best quality and most special jewelry.

The Stones In The Product Content Are Listed Below.

Amethyst Stone Features:

It raises immunity, is calming and relaxing, relieves sleep problems and prevents intense emotional attacks.

Burgundy Garnet (Granet) Stone Properties:

It rekindles love and affection. Eliminates the separations, provides reunification. It heals heart wounds and resentments.

Jasper Stone Features:

It takes people away from worries about the future and the past, and enables them to focus comfortably on the present and the future. It increases sexual power.

Tiger Eye Stone Features:

Increases willpower. It's good for the eyes. Increases focus. Relieves headache. It offers a clear perspective.

Kunzite Stone Properties:

It has a deep connection with heart and love. It provides a link between the heart and the mind and creates unity.

Prehnite Stone Features:

It makes you feel always ready for life and everything. Relieves nightmares, phobias and fears. It removes hyperactivity. It brings simplicity to life. It strengthens imagination and memory.

Colored Tourmaline Stone Features:

It fixes sleep problems. It allows us to know the environment and ourselves. It increases patience. Supports spinal health. It raises compassion.


The benefits of natural stones have been repeatedly observed in the feedback received from many users today. Not being able to be included in the blood circulation and blood reduction system like a drug; It is definitely not a medicine as it requires a precondition to believe in the benefits it will offer in terms of energy and use. However, from past to present, great medical scholars such as Biruni and İbn-i Sina have thought, researched and included natural stones in their treatment methods.
The benefits of natural stones are determined and determined based on the purposes of use of societies and medical scholars living in the past rather than a scientific experiment-observation process. Know that we know that healing is only from Allah. It is not clear where and how it will come.


Ottoman Natural Stone uses the following sources for the properties and usage information of the stones.

Walter Schumann, Gemstones Of The World (Sterling Publishing House, 17th Edition).
Judy Hall, The Book of Gems (Alpha Press Release, 3rd Edition, 2021)
Muhammad Bin Mahmud-i Shirvani, Tuhfe-i Muradi. Prepared by: Mustafa Argunşah (Turkish Language Association, 1999)
Patrick Voillot, Diamonds and Precious Stones (Yapı Kredi Publications, 1st Edition, 2013)

TRY 730.24