Hectare Foreign Trade

Hectare Foreign Trade

Hectare is an Wholesaler.
We are Tractor, implement, Equipment and Spare Parts supplier, mainly for Agriculture.
But we are not limited with these, we are in an industrial city (3 million population) and we are able to find high quality and low price of every different machine or equipment you will need.

You can just say Hello to meet us, because BUSINESS is mainly done by the people you know, it’s better to know each other. 

Let’s meet, send a message now. (WhatsApp/Viber: +90 533 381 42 18)

Hectare is a professional trade company that protects its partners.



Gönderim Adresi Büyükorhan | BURSA
Ortalama kargo süresi 2 gün
Soru cevaplama süresi 0-12 saat
Exporgin'deki süresi 2 yıl, 4 ay, 17 gün
Satıcı Bilgileri
Ticaret Ünvanı Hectare Otomotiv San. Tic. A.Ş.
Kayıtlı E-Posta Adresi team@hectare.com.tr
VKN 4610796604
Merkez Adresi Büyükorhan | BURSA
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